Saturday, 6 June 2015

Review dan Link Download - SURVIVOR (2015)

Dated Released : 29 May 2015
Quality : BluRay 720p
Info :
IMDb Rating : 5.4 (2,421 users)
Star : Milla Jovovich, Pierce Brosnan, Dylan McDermott
Genre : Action, Thriller

Menurut saya, film ini cukup "mengena" untuk unsur Thriller-nya. Sedangkan action dan alur cerita masih kurang. mungkin ini yang menyebabkan ratingnya kurang tinggi. Namun, bagi anda yang menyukai film seperti Jason Bourne, film ini bisa mengobati kerinduan untuk merasakan ketegangan aksi kerjar-kejaran ala "Jason Bourne", meskipun ending dari film ini kurang mantab.

Bagi yang tertarik, silahkan download :
Subtittle Indonesia   : DISINI

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Makalah - bahasa inggris - TRAFFIC SIGNS


Fortunately we always say the presence of God upon His love, His papers with the title "TRAFFIC SIGNS", we have been able to finish well. Writing papers  aims to meet homework of my study. Success and has been the completion of the writing is not released from the various parties that have support, because the author want to thank:
To both parents who always give our prayers, love, advice and enthusiasm every time and To friends who have given us the spirit of giving ideas and participate in writing proposals or papers this scientific.
We hope that this paper useful for the next generation of faculty of letters in SMKN 2 Magetan and all readers. Amien.

Makalah - bahasa inggris - Sign & Symbol


Fortunately we always say the presence of God upon His love, His papers with the title "Sign & Symbol", we have been able to finish well. Writing papers  aims to meet homework of my study. Success and has been the completion of the writing is not released from the various parties that have support, because the author want to thank:
To both parents who always give our prayers, love, advice and enthusiasm every time and To friends who have given us the spirit of giving ideas and participate in writing proposals or papers this scientific.
We hope that this paper useful for the next generation of faculty of letters in SMKN 2 Magetan and all readers. Amien.


Makalah - bahasa inggris - PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE


Fortunately we always say the presence of God upon His love, His papers with the title "memo", we have been able to finish well. Writing papers  aims to meet homework of my study. Success and has been the completion of the writing is not released from the various parties that have support, because the author want to thank:
To both parents who always give our prayers, love, advice and enthusiasm every time and To friends who have given us the spirit of giving ideas and participate in writing proposals or papers this scientific.
We hope that this paper useful for the next generation of faculty of letters in SMKN 2 Magetan and all readers. Amien.




Fortunately we always say the presence of God upon His love, His papers with the title "memo", we have been able to finish well. Writing papers  aims to meet homework of my study. Success and has been the completion of the writing is not released from the various parties that have support, because the author want to thank:
To both parents who always give our prayers, love, advice and enthusiasm every time and To friends who have given us the spirit of giving ideas and participate in writing proposals or papers this scientific.
We hope that this paper useful for the next generation of faculty of letters in SMKN 2 Magetan and all readers. Amien.


Makalah Pengembangan Cita - Cita

Pengembangan Cita-Cita

Cita-cita atau tujuan hidup ini hanya bisa diraih jika kita memiliki motivasi yang kuat dalam diri kita. Tanpa motivasi apapun, sulit sekali kita menggapai apa yang kita cita-citakan. Tapi tak dapat dipungkiri, memang cukup sulit membangun motivasi di dalam diri sendiri. Bahkan mungkin kita tidak tahu pasti bagaimana cara membangun motivasi di dalam diri sendiri. Padahal sesungguhnya banyak hal yang dapat dilakukan untuk menumbuhkan motivasi tersebut.
Caranya? coba simak tips berikut ini:

Makalah Bahasa Inggris - Memo


Fortunately we always say the presence of God upon His love, His papers with the title "memo", we have been able to finish well. Writing papers  aims to meet homework of my study. Success and has been the completion of the writing is not released from the various parties that have support, because the author want to thank:
To both parents who always give our prayers, love, advice and enthusiasm every time and To friends who have given us the spirit of giving ideas and participate in writing proposals or papers this scientific.
We hope that this paper useful for the next generation of faculty of letters in SMKN 2 Magetan and all readers. Amien.


Makalah Bahaya Narkoba

Hari ini saya ingin berbagi sebuah makalah tentang bahaya narkoba. Smoga ini bisa menjadi referensi bagi teman-teman yang sedang menyusun tugas sekolah, karya tulis, karya ilmiah, skripsi, atau tugas tugas yang lain. File sudah saya sediakan dalam format word, jadi tinggal download saja.

Download versi Word, silahkan klik DISINI
Apabila anda masuk , cukup tunggu sebentar sampai muncul tombol dengan tulisan SKIP AD pada pojok kanan atas, lalu klik tombol tersebut.